From Left to Right:  haraamis, nee_chan, whimsy_chan, captaincold2k, and gunnm_angel (as the short one).


This is us waiting in line for our pre-registration badges.  We waited for OVER 2 HOURS!!  At least it was nice out!



Here is whimsy_chan as Rin from Blade of the Immortal.  I just love her outfit!!



And this is me, gundamnook, in my Chinese outfit.



And I'm not sure why, but I decided to try and hump that poor tree.  And look at that person in that car, watching me.
I bet they're jealous!



This is gunnm_angel with her face painted as Gally from Gunnm (or Alita from Battle Angel Alita).
Don't they look just like each other.  Scary, isn't it?


More Pictures Later!!